Gift Vouchers

You can give a gift voucher to your loved ones on any occasion, from birthdays to Christmas. This is the perfect gift for anyone.

Business conditions for the use of a gift voucher:

  1. Order a gift voucher 
    1. Gift vouchers can be ordered by phone, email or in person at the dental clinic. 
    2. Gift vouchers are issued in any value or directly for the service.
    3. Gift vouchers are issued in person at AGEL Stomatologické centrum HK, Ulrichovo náměstí 762/5 , Hradec Králové, 500 02. 
  2. Use of a gift voucher 
    1. Gift vouchers can be used for all services in our dental clinic AGEL Stomatologické centrum HK, Ulrichovo náměstí 762/5 , Hradec Králové, 500 02. 
    2. Issued gift vouchers are registered. 
    3. Gift vouchers are valid only in the originals, it is forbidden to make copies of gift vouchers, counterfeiting gift vouchers is a criminal offense. 
    4. The validity of gift vouchers is within 12 months from the date of purchase, unless otherwise stated (by this date it is necessary to make a minimum order of the required service in our dental clinic AGEL Stomatologické centrum Praha and then use this date). 
    5. The price of gift vouchers includes VAT. 
    6. If the value of the service you select exceeds the nominal value of the gift voucher, the difference will simply be paid in cash or by credit card. 
    7. If the value of your chosen service is lower than the nominal value of the gift voucher, it is not possible to return the difference in cash, but it is possible to use it on further visits to our dental clinic AGEL Stomatologické centrum Praha. 
    8. The price of selected services is governed by the valid price list, which is posted in the waiting room. 
    9. Gift vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash. 
    10. Purchased gift vouchers can be added together. 
    11. If the voucher expires, the voucher will be forfeited without compensation.